
Be Creative, Stay Different, Be Devoted!

Our marketing team includes over 10 magicians that create and popularise marketing and branding campaigns on the UK and Australian markets. Our campaigns include creating logos, web-design, offline marketing, B2C (Business-to-Consumer) and B2B (Business-to-Business) marketing, PPC (Pay-per-click), printed materials, direct marketing (including e-mail marketing) and a lot more. We are a team of dedicated professionals, always looking for innovative solutions to problems, confident that our campaigns will be completed on time and within budget.

The best ideas come from our London and Bulgarian offices. But an idea can only be called great, if it passes every test. Therefore, we strive to improve everything we do and achieve results that are even better than we expect them to be. Plus, it is always fun to work!
You can create a marketing campaign that will attract new customers? Or one that can reward our loyal clients? You are an analytical person and want to enjoy the progress of your work? You can make us better, faster and even more efficient than the competition? Then you belong in marketing.

PPC Marketing

E-mail Campaigns

Social Media


Successful Stories